Improve the visualisation of your content

All Premium Plus themes can benefit from our Formatting Tools

This toolset allows a stylish and enhanced display of your content.



Some HTML knowledge is needed when using the formatting tools. In case of doubt make sure you have a copy of the original article (like copying the original content into an unpublished article).


Have you already seen Tabs being used in an article?

Tab 1 Tab 2 Tab 3
This is just an example of how the usage of tabs would look in your article. The usage of tabs prevents an overdose of information to be displayed when opening the article. Thank you for checking out the second tab. Don't you think these tabs are a cool way to document the different steps a user needs to take in order to complete a specific process. Congratulations you clicked on all 3 tabs. Screenshot_2023-01-05_at_14.15.39.png


It is possible to add accordeons, callouts or lists aligned with your house style. Let me list all the different features.


  1. list (ordered)

  2. callouts


  4. buttons

    • bullets (unordered)

    • accordeons

    • tabs

    • alerts



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